The Coptic Art Revealed Exhibition was successfully inaugurated on December 8, 2010, in the presence of almost 1000 distinguished guests. Since the exhibition opening to the general public on December 9, 2010, until Egypt’s January 25 Revolution, 1012 local and 967 foreign visitors came to the Palace of Amir Taz to see the first of its kind temporary exhibition on Coptic art.

Among the visitors were Coptic and Muslim students and children, interested laymen, specialists, journalists, politicians, ambassadors, representatives of cultural institutions, and tourists who received Coptic Art Revealed with an awe-inspiring appreciation. Throughout the exhibition duration, they were offered guided tours in Arabic, English and German to get the most out of their visit.

Visitors were invited to write down their impressions and majority enthusiastically did in all kinds of languages. The following pages present in extract their laudatory reactions.


This is a wonderful exhibition, beautifully displayed and lit. We have learnt a lot! The picture of St. Antony and St. Paul is very special.

Gordon and Janet Arthur, Leicester, UK

Splendid – a treat!

A nice collection. Thank you for sharing!

This was a wonderful find. Very informative and & exquisitely displayed. Best wishes for much success!

Lawrence, Robert & May, Windsor, ON, Canada

A clear self explanatory display of objects rarely seen before – a real pleasure.

Nevine Fathy

This exhibition is wonderful, it tells a lot about the history and life about Copts. People can learn a lot. Thanks

Great work, wonderful, has a special feeling to it. Thank you very much.

Heba, Sydney 2010

Very interesting! Especially the explanations were clear and well written.

Bastian Koerner, Holland

An excellent exhibition with many interesting pieces & unexpected beauty – well organized & displayed with imagination. Well done

David Mallie, Malta

An incredible collection, a true wealth of culture and heritage.

Thank you for a fantastic display.

Amira Kazem

Thank you very much for this spead experience.

Julie Kerlan

This visit was a wonderful experience and I wish to admit that every time the result of the work made by Egyptians in order to show their treasures is astonishing. Congratulations to all those who contributed to this successful wonderful exhibit.

Carmine Siniscolo

A fantastic exhibit, a real testament to the effect of organizing all Coptic items in one place, well done.

Felix Billington

Very beautiful and interesting.


Great job! Love the curtain!

Jenne Parsen

Une exposition exquise, passionante, un moment de paix dans ce beau palais.

An outstanding, well displayed exhibition. Interesting even for people as me, who aren’t religious.

Eddy Ruseler, Holland

Absolutely overwhelming exhibit – I just loved the display, the light, the music and above all the spirit added by the amazing Elham who gave us the pleasure of being in her company as our local guide. Keep up the great work.

Nesreen ElNaggar and Tamer ElGangary, Egyptologists

Une très belle exposition dans un lieu exceptionnel! Des objets parfaitement choisis et éclairés. J’espère que l’exposition va se déplacer ailleurs, comme elle le mérite. Félicitations aux organisateurs et en particulier à Nadja Tomoum!

Alain Zivie

A beautiful exposition with a wonderful selection of texts & objects. We really enjoyed our time here & were delighted in what we saw. Thank you so much for having put on such an exhibition.

Jack Tamwu and Jeannette Rizk

Wonderful exhibit! Thank you for all your hard work bringing this together.

Mariam Ayad

Excellent exhibition – congratulations to all who worked so hard to achieve this!

Nicholas Warner

Utterly enjoyable – well thought out. I wish for this exhibition to remain in place for months and hopefully to travel to other destination. Thanks for Nadja Tomoum & everyone who worked so hard to make it happen.

Nabil Shawkat – Beit magazine

Amazing visit here and at the museum. Thanks

Youssef Bahri, Florida

- معرض رائع 0000 أشكال فنية مدهشة – جودة عالية في التنظيم 000 محمد شعبان – صحفي بمجلة الشباب

المعرض جميل جدا وشكرا لتعبكم وحسن التنظيم
المعرض جميل ونشكركم على وجودة في هذه المنطقة

- عمل رائع ومجموعة ممتعة لابد أن الأمير طاز سعيد بوجودها في منزله هاني حمزة

- حقيقة أن المتحف ملم بجميع العناصر القبطية الهامة ومفيدة وأنا سعيدة بهذا وأعد بزيارة ثانية إلى المتحف وشكرا ماجدة سيد خليل – جامعة حلوان – كلية السياحه

- عمل أكثر من رائع يجمع بين فن التنسيق وبين روحانية المسيحية والثقافة التي تعبر عنها أعمال المعرض
هشام السروجي – جريدة الطريق

- بكل المقايس 0000 مفاجأة لم أكن أعلم أنني سوف أشاهد متحف للآثار القبطية على هذا النحو من الدراسة والأبداع 0000
مجهود رائع ويرقى إلى أفضل أساليب العرض المتحفية وأتمنى أن يصل إلى القاعدة العريضة من الجمهور من مصر وخارجها 000
تحياتي لفريق العمل وأتمنى أن أشاركهم مجهوداتهم لإحياء وإبراز تراثنا بالشكل الذي يجب أن تكون عليه 000
أ . م . د ماهر عبد العظيم - أستاذ مساعد بكلية الفنون الجميلة

- مجهودات رائعة لفريق عمل متعاون إستطاع بحق أن يكشف الستار عن جزء هام من تاريخ الفنون في مصر وفقكم الله وسدد خطاكم د . عبير محمد مصطفى – كلية الفنون الجميلة

- عمل رائع رائع رائع رائع 00000 مبروك مع تمنياتي بالتقدم والمزيد

- حقا أبدعتم مجدي مهنا – مصور فوتوغرافي - قنا

- روعة عظيم جدا فاطمة محمد

- لم أكن أعرف أن مصر بها آثار قبطية بهذا الجمال آمال حسانيين
